Gay dad cracks the internet up with the best response to a child being taught homophobia

Robbie Pierce, the husband of Advocate Editorial Director Neal Broverman, has the internet cracking up with his epic response to a child repeating homophobia he heard at home.
“A random unattended 7yo at the park told me and my son that gay people are the devil and are going to hell,” Pierce wrote. “My son scoffed, but the boy said it was true because God said so.”
“I told him parents made up God to make their kids do what they want. His eyes got so big.”
In a later tweet, Pierce justified his response succinctly: “I’m sorry but if you teach your kids to hate I’m going to teach them to disobey you.”
I'm sorry but if you teach your kids to hate I'm going to teach them to disobey you.
— Robbie
(@Robbiepierce) September 29, 2022
People chimed in with support for Pierce.
“Unattended children will be given life lessons that you may not approve of.”
— Val (@NecromancerProb) September 29, 2022
yea that honestly could be extremely liberating and helpful to the kid. On a personal level too. Who knows what pain he was experiencing himself that he was trained to think he couldnt challenge
(@KaelWrit) September 29, 2022
lmfao you just changed that kid’s whole life trajectory
— onan the barbarian (@afivegantenna) September 29, 2022
when i was in 4th grade i lived in this super, almost cult-like religious foster home. i wasn’t allowed to cut my hair or play sports. i remember the woman judging another woman’s skirt length & i said “but didn’t you sin when you got a divorce & then married his brother?”
— Janessa (@JanessaAnnMarie) September 30, 2022
Ooh adding this to my bucket list
— Robbie
(@Robbiepierce) September 29, 2022
At first I was like, "Robbie, you can't say that!" and then I was like "wait, why the hell not?"
— Alexander the Grape (@sunflahr) September 29, 2022
You should tell them what my gay friend said in the 90s about gays going to Hell. "If the gays are going to Hell, then that's where I want to go, 'cause that's where the best party is!"
— Mask Wearing Amy
(@amyriscool) September 29, 2022
On Halloween 2012 a boy came to my door trick or treat. He asked if I knew someone put an Obama sign on my lawn? I told him I put it there and his father grabbed him and got him out of there before I could even give him his candy.
— seattlejohn (@seattlejohn) September 29, 2022
i'm a liberal atheist homeschooling parent in the bible belt and have gotten quite a lot of under-the-breath snarkiness from kids who'd been force-fed religion, so i'm totally using this line.
— Furious Sarcasm (@notmeanspirited) September 29, 2022
Honestly if the truth is the only thing that interacts with an unattended 7 year old the parents should be thankful
— Bob, Awaiting Autumn (@MyHaploidHeart) September 29, 2022
Earlier this year, Pierce and Broverman and their children were accosted on an Amtrak train by a man who called the gay dads “pedophiles” who “stole” their children.
“Family? That’s not a family! You’re both rapists. You steal Black and Asian kids,” the man yelled at the family. “You guys aren’t natural. Homosexuals are an abomination.”
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