TikTok star posts epic takedown of anti-trans troll who mocked & misgendered her cis sister

TikTok star Loren Schaffer Rosko eviscerated anti-trans trolls who misgendered her cisgender little sister because of the way she looks.
In a searing video, Rosko exposed the hypocrisy of anti-trans folks, one of whom commented on a photo of her sister to say, “I’m sorry, did you say HER?? That is a him.”
Rosko said this person clearly thought they were typing “the ultimate burn” and pointed out that because her sister, Lindzey, was assigned female at birth and identifies as a woman, anti-trans people would actually hate for her to use he/him or they/them pronouns. So accusing her of being a man doesn’t make sense.
“It’s 2023, and apparently, we’re still doing this,” Rosko began.
“Lindzey is a girl. She was born a girl. I get it, she looks masculine. So my question is, what do you want her to do exactly? Transition? Would you like for her to be trans? Because I have the slightest little inkling that if she did that, the first thing you would say is ‘That’s not a real man. That’s a woman! She was born a girl!’… She can’t win either way can she?”
Rosko then explained that though her sister was indeed a “tomboy” all her life, her current androgynous look is due to the toll breast cancer has taken on her body.
“She has always been proud to be a woman,” Rosko continued. “She wears baggy clothes, no makeup, whatever. And oh! She’s a lesbian… But here’s the kicker… She was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer and every bit of femininity and womanhood she had was ripped from her.”
Rosko said her sister lost her hair and had both a double mastectomy and a hysterectomy to prevent the cancer from spreading.
“Despite that, she’s still proud to be a woman. I can’t even imagine the reaction you would have if she wanted to go by they/them pronouns. But she doesn’t! So again, I guess you can’t win.”
Rosko then expressed that she would sleep well tonight knowing she stood up against this hate.
“Do you feel better?” she asked the troll. “Do you love yourself more after spending the day on your phone commenting stuff like this? Cuz I can tell you I feel great.”
“I love sticking up for people. I’m the ultimate big sister, so if you need someone I’m available.”
source https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2023/04/tiktok-star-posts-epic-takedown-of-anti-trans-troll-who-mocked-misgendered-her-cis-sister/
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