Clueless MAGA man says Disney is “advertising gayness” but can’t explain how

Right-wingers have increasingly accused Disney of “pushing” an “LGBTQ+ agenda” onto schoolkids. But when one conservative was sked about it on camera, he admitted that he has no idea whether that’s actually happening or not.
Davram Stiefler, one-half of the conservative-skewering comedy duo The Good Liars, interviewed a grandparent in a red cap who was touting his support for former President Donald Trump during Trump’s arraignment in Georgia.
“Disney was advertising gayness to our kids,” the silver-haired man said in one of The Good Liars’ recent TikTok videos while waving his hands around for emphasis.
“Sorry,” Stiefler said, “just clarify that, if you don’t mind.”
“I don’t,” the man continued. “Disney was going into the business of putting ideas in my kids’, my grandkids’ minds, that I didn’t want them putting in my grandkids’ minds.”
Stiefler then asked, “Did that actually happen?”
The man admitted, “I don’t know. I’m just going on what I heard.”
Stiefler asked again, “Did that actually happen, where they had changed their views on things based on Disney?”
The man replied, “No, I don’t.”
Right-wing ire has increased against Disney ever since Republican presidential candidate and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis launched a retaliation campaign against the family entertainment company for publicly opposing his state’s infamous “Don’t Say Gay” law, which forbids any mention of LGBTQ+ issues in K-12 classrooms.
While some of Disney’s animated TV shows have featured queer characters, only one of its animated films — the 2022 film Strange World — has included an explicitly queer character. The character’s attraction to another male character is only mentioned once and never referred to again.
The Good Liars’ past videos have exposed various right-wing hypocrites, including a man who’s convinced that kids are using litterboxes in schools, a Republican candidate whose anti-smut beliefs would make him want to ban the Bible from schools, and at least two men who think that drag shows kill more people than guns.
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