Fox News is now claiming that young people are identifying as seasons. They made it up.

Fox News host Jesse Watters continues to impress with his imbecilic takes on gender, anything gay, trans issues — and now what he’s mischaracterizing as “gender season.”
In a recent Fox News segment which Watters calls “DEI Thursday,” the one-time “funny” Fox contributor and now pale imitation to Tucker Carlson twisted a nuanced personal video narrative, made by U.K. nonbinary activist Dee Whitnell, into a mocking takedown of a concept way over the JV host’s head.
In Whitnell’s video, released earlier this month, they talk about how their gender expression is affected by the seasons.
“I feel more masculine in the summertime. I wear more masculine clothing, I wear shorts. I normally have my hair up more and I just feel more ‘boy’, whereas in the winter – for some reason – girl mode comes out and I’m loving skirts and dresses and having my hair down.”
“This isn’t saying that all trans individuals experience this because that’s just not the case, or that seasons determine your gender identity or expression. However, it can influence it,” Whitnell explained.
They described the concept as “genderseason”.
For Watters and the far-right outrage machine, the video was music to their ears — and an invitation to ridicule.
With a Grinch smile spreading across his pancaked face, Watters snarked with glee.
“Bonfires, sandy beaches, pool parties, barbecues. Don’t you love summer? I love summer so much I’m thinking of identifying as it. It’s called gender season,” he said. “My pronoun: spring. But I might transition to summer.”
Like notorious takes on kids identifying as cats and classrooms filled with litter boxes, Watters’s lame comedy twisted Whitnell’s sincere and worthy thesis into an object of derision, mischaracterizing it as young people identifying as seasons.
The mockery had its intended effect, riling up an army of keyboard warriors to abuse Whitnell on her social media accounts and attack anything that challenges the far-right’s strict gender binary.
The UK’s Daily Mail tabloid inspired the transatlantic takedown with their story about Whitnell’s video two weeks ago.
“Gen Zers have sometimes been accused of blowing with the wind when it comes to their sexuality,” the tabloid’s “Health Reporter” grinned in her lead. “But a growing number of young people are now actually identifying as ‘gender season’ – meaning their gender changes depending on the time of year.”
“‘It’s called wearing summer and winter clothes just like everyone!'” the Mail quoted one commenter.
“‘It’s nonsense,’ another said of the gender identity, also known as seasogender, gender season, or gendersian,” the reporter wrote.
By the end of the gender-glazed amuse bouche, The Daily Mail managed to advance the story into another article about a “Toronto woman who embarked on an ‘erotic’ relationship with an oak tree.”
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