Science has revealed the “perfect” penis & it’s aiding trans men’s bottom surgeries

A new study published by researchers at the University of California Riverside has revealed the ideal phalloplasty results for transmasculine individuals. These results were based on participant input in clinical studies about the physical features that make penises most desirable.
In aggregate, the review showed that participants favored penises with a longer shaft, a moderate-sized head, and a rounded ridge as the most preferable features. Additionally, participants preferred that penis width stay the same size rather than becoming gradually thicker or slimmer.
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In terms of length, researchers found that previous research determined that 6.3 inches was a desirable length on average. The average male penis size is around 5.5 inches.
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Additionally, medical professionals discovered different preferences from the average population in the study, suggesting that differences in medical training substantially impact the results.
“The ideal phallic esthetic varies by individual, and there were statistically significant preferences across age… and sexual orientation,” wrote lead author Dr. Justin Cordero, along with other collaborators on the study. “This study can serve as a guide on phalloplasties for patients and gender-affirming surgeons.”
The study, published in the journal Urology, asked participants to respond to computer-generated images of different penis sizes and shapes to determine which is deemed to be the most desirable. While it primarily sampled cisgender individuals, it also included a sizable sample of transgender individuals, including transgender men as well.
This study is especially important since it can help provide lifesaving care to transmasculine individuals, especially to help tailor their phalloplasties to individual wants and needs. Many people don’t describe how they want their phalloplasty results to look in detail down to the exact angle of the head, so these results help surgeons better understand preferences so they can help their patients decide what they want, even if they’re unsure.
The study conducted surveys on Reddit users, Amazon Mechanical Turk, and Craigslist. The majority of participants were straight, but a substantial portion were LGBTQ+. Researchers used regression analysis to determine the general trends in the total study population of over 1,000 participants.
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